Thursday 30 April 2015 6pm – 8pm; Check-in beginning at 5:45pm
James Bartleman Centre, 100 Tallwood Drive, Room 115, Ottawa
Something Old, Something New:
Access at the Heart of LAC’s Mandate
More than at any other period in history, records and archives play a vital role in our information-hungry society. The significance of archives for governance and democracy, the role of archives within the digital environment, the momentum of open government, and public expectations for access to the collective memory have all put archives at the forefront of the way our world works. Something old has become something new, and nowhere is this more evident than at Library and Archives Canada. Dr. Guy Berthiaume, the Librarian and Archivist of Canada, leads a fascinating presentation on the new place of archives, an update on the work of digitizing the First World War records, a discussion on the status of the Canadian Archival Working Group, and a review of collaborative projects and public programming currently underway at LAC.
Two Steps Back, Two Steps Forward:
Access and the Role of a Municipal Archives in a Regional Context
City Archivist Paul Henry will reflect on archives in the Ottawa region, on directions for local and regional government archives, and on changing research trends and the demands they place on archives.
Archivist John Lund will illustrate with two specific cases the ideas elucidated by the City Archivist Paul Henry on the City of Ottawa Archives' commitment to access and its support of regional initiatives through partnerships. John will provide insight into the work that has been ongoing to repatriate records of regional significance through cooperative efforts with Library and Archives Canada. Secondly, he will discuss the recent launch of the Ottawa Museums and Archives Collection that emphasized access through a clean and simple interface, meeting the needs of a broad spectrum of the public. The web portal brings together multiple partners from both the archives and museum fields within the City of Ottawa.
A free Friends of the City of Ottawa Archives event, co-sponsored by the City of Ottawa Archives and Archives Association of Ontario Eastern Chapter (AAOEe). For further information please contact City of Ottawa Archives at 613-580-2857 or