Presented by
the Friends of the City of Ottawa Archives &
the City of Ottawa Archives
Reconciliation: In Our City, In Our Archives
Monday, Sept 15, 2014 7:00 pm
at the Ottawa Public Library Main Branch (120 Metcalfe)
In recent years, two Canadian truth commissions - the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and the Qikiqtani Truth Commission (QTC) - have shone light on the devastating impact of federal policies on First Nations and Inuit communities, and on the resulting damage to relations between Aboriginal peoples and settler communities.
Now that we have begun to acknowledge the past, Canadians need to ask what course reconciliation can take and explore the role archives and archival research can play in building new relationships.
Friends of the City of Ottawa Archives (FCOA) has invited scholars with a life-time of experience in research, writing, and preserving Canada's historical record to share their thoughts on how local archives and their users can work towards reconciliation.
Dr. Philip Goldring is one of Canada's experts on northern history. He served as Senior Historian to the QTC. He was closely involved in writing the QTC's local histories of Inuit hamlets, a role he has also played in his own community of west Ottawa.
Dr. Marianne McLean, Historian and Archivist, worked for Library and Archives Canada in strategic policy and community relations, and as an external consultant advising in archival collection management. She served as Archives Advisor to the TRC.
Julie Harris, Historian and former Director of Research for the QTC, will moderate the presentation and discussion.
No admission charge — donations in support of FCOA appreciated.
Everyone welcome to attend!